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- MiamiPhone History:
- Version 2.1 (19-May-00)
- -----------------------
- - Fixed a bug in the date filter, the to bound was strict minus instead of
- minus or equal, i.e. set it to 22-01-2000 was not displaying that date
- connection(s).
- - Fixed a bug, pcmt (connect modem time) was not computed to the connect
- time (in fact it was not red from the pricefile).
- Version 2.0 (05-May-00)
- -----------------------
- General:
- - Fixed a minor bug with the 'Reconnect' connection.
- - Fixed a bug in half minute change for tariff, it was not working at all.
- - Modified the caculation method to take the changes of charge zones into
- consideration, now, when a connection is multi-zone, it is segmented and
- tariffed right.
- - Added two dd-mm-yy gadgets to enable precise filtering on date.
- - Created an increase/decrease gadget, helpful in many up/down processing.
- - Created a new date gadget, now you can enter an AmigaDOS string, uses the
- popup an select a day, or fast increase/decrease day by day.
- - Created a real toolbar with a 3 state effect, normal/active/ghosted, you
- can uses your own icons, and control its appearence.
- - Added a refresh tool button, when you have changed one date you must now
- refresh manually.
- Settings:
- - Added some parameters to control the appearence of the toolbar.
- Version 1.9 (09-Jul-99) - 1.53
- -----------------------
- - Added support of MiamiDeluxe phone log. The format of these files is
- different from standard Miami phone log and was causing minor problems.
- Version 1.8 (20-Jun-99) - 1.52
- -----------------------
- - Fixed a bug. When using fonts with Y size lower than 10, calculation of
- the width was wrong and some connections where not displayed in graphic
- mode.
- Version 1.7 (10-May-99) - 1.51
- -----------------------
- - Fixed a bug. When printing, some strings where having the first two
- chars truncated.
- Version 1.6 (10-Apr-99) - 1.5
- -----------------------
- - Fixed a bug. There was an Enforcer hit and sometimes crashes when connect
- infos (modem mode/speed...) were not in the «Online» line.
- - Added the <Help> key support to open the amigaguide documentation.
- - Added support of negative "modem connect time" (pmct in price file).
- - Extended "time zone strings" (tzs? in price file) length to 31 chars.
- - Extended "time zone day" (tzd? in price file) to slices of half an hour,
- now the tariff can be different every 30mn.
- - Extended retrenchment, now you can use different rate for each days, and
- every time slice of 30mn.
- - Changed "time zone day" (tzd? in price file) for week days (Mon-Fri),
- now a single time zone is used.
- - Added a setting to adjust the number of decimal digits displayed for
- costs.
- - Added a maximum cost to the "time zone day" (tzm? in the price file),
- now if a cost is greater than a special amount, it can be forced to that
- amount, this is a discount in some countries.
- - Fixed the 2D-Bars/Lines graph problem when there was a lot of connections,
- and improved the display as well in the same time.
- - Changed the filter to apply also both for the detail list and the graph.
- - Added "EURO" support, all can be displayed in euro currency.
- - Added a print support of all informations to the printer of into a file.
- Version 1.5 (15-Dec-98) - 1.4
- -----------------------
- - Some layout changes.
- - Added a«toolbar».
- - Added a «Zone» filter option.
- - Added dual display: Filtered and Total.
- - Added the connection «Speed» display in detail list.
- - Added retrenshment display (R small gfx in «Invoice» column).
- - Added real preferences window.
- - «OnLine» and «Offline» string format is now settable.
- - Columns can be hidden.
- - Graphic mode can be set as default display.
- Version 1.4 (11-Nov-98) - 1.3
- -----------------------
- - Optimized the window display.
- - Added special days support (x-mas, new year, ...).
- - Added graphic display of connections in both 2D-bars and lines.
- Version 1.3 (04-Oct-98) - 1.21
- -----------------------
- - Fixed the Tax value display, it was false because computed with the Initial
- Cost instead of Invoice, anyway the Total Cost was ok.
- - Added an id string column in the listview for time zone.
- - Added a Goodies directory, with NewIcons and price files.
- - Added AmigaGuide® documentation.
- Version 1.2 (26-Sep-98)
- -----------------------
- - Some layout changes.
- - Fixed a bug. Some duration were displayed wrong, e.g. «1:00» was «0».
- - Added support of ticks charge method.
- - Moved «Connect», «Tax rate» and «Retrensh.» to the price file.
- Version 1.1 (30-Aug-98)
- -----------------------
- - Fixed a bug. Some numbers were wrong (error line, total connection).
- - Added a Warn gadget to enable or disable warning on skipped connections.
- - Added number display of skipped connection.
- - Added an optional filter on month+year for results.
- - Credit time & charge can now be different for time zones.
- - Retrenshment can be applied on time zones also.
- Version 1.0 (21-Aug-98)
- -----------------------
- - First public release